As a photographer with 3 young girls you’d think I’d have LOADS of pictures of them right? – Wrong lol ! My children always seem to get the sillies when I try to photograph them & mutter statements like “owh not again mummy … you photographed us LAST year, why do you want more?”. If only they realised how so utterly precious these photographs are for me.
Each year I compare the images taken the previous year & suddenly realise how huge in-fact those seemingly almost unnoticeable little subtle changes that occur every day suddenly are. In a blink of an eye my little girls are growing up way too fast! but these photos will give me my beautiful permanent memories I can always cherish.
I have a wonderful friend who is also Godmother to my children & luckily also a photographer :-D. Every year near my birthday Lisa gets me to pop over to her studio where I attempt my annual mini photo shot of my own children. Being in someone else’s studio seems to have a slight calming influence needed :-). My aim – just to get a small handful of images to add to my treasured memories of my children as they grow.
I’ll keep this post short but here are a few of my favourites.