Sophie & David had chosen to get married in the beautifully grand Neo-Gothic mansion of Ettington Park Hotel, in Stratford. I’ve had the pleasure of photographing at Ettington on numerous occasions & its always lovely to be back here.
I had met with Sophie & David few weeks before their wedding to chat through what photographs they would like and what was most important to them, for me to capture.
Stuart was already booked to film at an alternative event that evening however I managed to twisted his arm & asked him to come & photograph part of their wedding with me, in order to capture some lovely reportage images & alternative angles.
The day of their wedding arrived & the weather was near perfect, always a good start 🙂
After spending the morning with Sophie & her girls getting ready, we met up with David & his groomsmen & a very Red very beautiful E Type Jag provided by Grooms on time. David was certainly in his element 🙂
After a lovely service & photos around the grounds, including the wonderful onsite chapel & of course not forgetting a quick spin in the E-Type (well it would have been rude not to ! :-D), we moved the celebrations in side for the wedding breakfast.
The wedding reception was held in a superbly decorated long gallery with speeches to follow.
Sophie & David & all of their guests had made me feel so welcome & their bridal party had been more helpful than you could have wished for. It really made their wedding such a pleasure to photograph.
Not one to miss an opportunity, after staying to photograph the evening celebrations & first dance I asked if the best man, Ben would help me with one more photography. As strange as it may sound, when I click the button of my camera I don’t just want to produce an image. I want to create a lasting memory, a moment that may be preserved as an image but when looked at also brings back the feelings of enjoyment/elation & happiness that was felt at the moment it was taken. So this is what I mean…
Ben came out side to act as my assistant to capture this final beautiful nighttime shot. Apart from Ettington being lit it was pitch-black so I’d asked Ben to shine a torch on to the area I’d wanted to focus on. I set up the shot & then brought Sophie & David down for the photograph. Ben did his shining of the torch perfectly & then I’d asked him to run & hide, which he did behind the pillar, joking away as he did. Now in the shot you don’t see Ben but when Sophie & David saw this image as well as loving it as a photograph Sophie jokingly recalled how Ben had had to run & hide. Yes, may be it does sound silly but I don’t just want to create great photographs, I want to also create great happy memories behind those great photographs 🙂 ! I know from David & Sophie’s reaction that I had certainly achieved this for them 🙂
Below are just a few of the images captured at Sophie & David’s wedding. Their full gallery can be found within the client area. All galleries are password protected so please see David & Sophie for the details x